based on popular MANGA & ANIME by katsuhiro otomo entitled AKIRA...AKIRA manga published by Kondansha between 1982-1990 with several volume...AKIRA anime directed by katsuhiro otomo & released on July 16 1988....AKIRA toys by McFarlane Toys (owned by todd mcfarlane) released in year 2000

Kaneda with his BIKE

side view
Kaneda with his orbital laser weapon

kasi upgrade beb scale 1:6..BAN DAI.. heheee.. cool bro
wahahaha....takpe2...aku main vintage bro..hehehehe
Memang vintage. Dust inclusive with toy.
tu yang lagi mahal..nasib baik takde spider web ker....hehehhe
20 years later and that bike STILL looks cool.
This is a classic figure. One of Mcfarlance toys for anime that did it right.
One of my favorite
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